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Donnerstag, 10. September 2009
Cabman Stock(hausen)
monopixel, 03:38h
Sie hatten recht, das ist nicht mal eben so gemacht.
Und deswegen: Änderungen vorbehalten! Are you male or female? I am The Boy With The Thorn In His Side! Describe yourself: Don't you know I am This Charming Man. How do you feel about yourself? What a question, I feel good! Describe your current boy/girl situation: Ich befürchte, derzeit leide ich an Mädchenhaarallergie, Mädchenhaarallergie but you may Light My Fire. Describe your current location: Im Moment noch aktuell Berlin (Du Bist So Wunderbar). Describe where you want to be: Brandenburg, aber nicht nur ich, sondern Me And The Farmer Your best friends are: Best of all is Major Tom My favourite colour is: Blau, wie meine blauen Augen. You know that… I Should Have Known Better with a girl like you! How’s the weather? I don't know why, theres no sun up in the sky - Stormy Weather but it's still Summertime. If your life was a television show what would it be called? "Doubts"? But Say it ain't so. What is life to you? Nothing more to say than life's what you make it. What is the best advice you have to give? Sometimes it's better to Run like Hell. If you could change your name what would you change it to? What about Buddy Holly? Stockweitwurf an: Frl. deVille, Herrn Kid37, Herrn Prieditis. ... link (16 Kommentare) ... comment ... older stories
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